Affording Christmas: How Brighthouse Makes It Easy to Fall into Debt

Christmas is a few weeks away now, and, as a parent, I’ve started to look at my budget for presents for the brats.

It seems now more than ever, despite the credit crisis still effecting lots of families, toys and tech is ever increasing in price. Most toys now start at £15, with some reaching well over £100. If you have older children who want the latest games console, for example, the latest XBox One, you wont have much change left from £370.

So, whilst the majority of us will think about how we’d love to buy everything our little cherubs write on their list, most will take a small selection and buy what we can afford.

For others, they find another way- the pay day loan or Brighthouse.

I decided to test Brighthouse after hearing some horror stories from friends who have been taken in by their glitzy adverts.

Brighthouse is the largest rent-to-own company in the UK with 270 shops in High Streets from South to North. They offer their “customers” the chance to own those “must have items” like iPhones and TVs, and rather than saving up for these luxuries, they can take them away almost straight off for a relatively small amount.

Sounds easy? The adverts certainly make it sound very simple.

They use normal looking mum characters who, for example, have had their pesky and much used washing machine go bang, and then show them happily putting their feet up after Brighthouse solves their issue- they even watch a big, pricey TV with their cuppa courtesy of Brighthouse, of course.

Its almost like Brighthouse paint itself as a modern day Fairy Godmother. However, when I saw this advert, I wondered why the Mum wouldn’t simply claim from her home insurance, or use a laundrette. She could even have advertised on Freecycle, or bought a good second hand model for under £50 from eBay or Gumtree.

Sadly, for every person who feels like me that these ads are too good to be true, there are those who are taken in.

So,  just how easy is it to become a Brighthouse customer?

I picked a random product- a laptop- from their site, and in under 1 minute I was offered it. All they asked for was my address, phone number and email address, along with my marital status (all very easy to fake as they only ask for proof of your bank details to be brought into store).

If I had of decided to proceed, for £17 a week I could have had a top of the range Samsung model.

£17 a week doesn’t sound like much really. And when you consider you would need to walk into a regular retailer with between £250 and £300 for the same Samsung model, that’s not going to be possible for everyone, especially at Christmas.

However, when you read further, and yes, Brighthouse does make the full pay back clear on the site (although its a scroll down the page and its not clear right at the top what the interest is, in fact it makes more effort to tell you the spec and its £17 a week) you will pay 94.7% APR over the time you owe them money.

If you pay this loan off within 104 weeks (that’s assuming you don’t fall behind), you will pay a staggering £1,768 for a laptop.

That’s an extra £1,468.

Not surprisingly, I wasn’t in the market for that kind of mark up. No laptop is worth paying that much for (in fact, I think that was about the price of the first home PC my dad bought on Windows 95 in the mid 90s).

I had no intention of continuing with them. If I want a new laptop, I am much happier keeping an eye out for a bargain on second hand sites (my current laptop cost me a mere £20).

However, Brighthouse had my phone number and email address- part of the process to see whether they will take you on as a customer (and their owner, Caversham Finance promises they are a “responsible lender”). Once they have this, they will not leave you alone.

Since Thursday of last week, when I decided to investigate how easy it was to gain Brighthouse Customer status, I have been phoned 73 times on my mobile, from 8.30am until 9pm. 

I have been bombarded with calls from the local store to me, telling me they are happy to sign me up for whichever “must have” my heart desires. They have left voicemails to this effect. All I need to do, they say, is bring in my bank details and I can walk out with a range of items!

As for my inbox, well, its the same story. Despite clicking “unsubscribe”on the first email I got, I have had several “are you sure?” type emails.

Even if you decide that, actually, its not a luxury item or must have enough for you to be ripped off, Brighthouse just does not leave you alone.

It can be tough being a parent in financially difficult times, and, to my mind, Brighthouse makes it their business to sign you up by playing on the need for ever more impressive consumer goods.

Saying that a top of the range mobile phone or laptop is a “must have” for instance. Since when?

They seem to really play on the heart strings of the less well off.

Brighthouse should be avoided, but sadly, it’s obvious that many will be taken in and no doubt will still be paying for this Christmas for many more Christmases to come.

Yes, in an ideal world we’d all love to give the family every top item they would wish for. But, in the longer term, Christmas is about family, about being with your loved ones and enjoying yourself, and no amount of debt is going to change that. Once there are presents under the tree, the younger kids will be happy that Santa has come, whether they have a sensible amount spent on them or not.

It doesn’t hurt children to say no, nor does it hurt to want an iPhone but to settle for a second hand lesser model that works. Giving it, whatever the price, is never a good lesson to teach your children, but Brighthouse would disagree if it means ever more customers lining their pockets.

The only people who gain from Brighthouse is the fat cats that own it.

Rochester, Reckless, and Why There’s No Doubt Medway Will Vote UKIP

I was born in the Medway towns, went to school there, and remained there until just after Mini was born.

I still take an interest in the town as quite a number of mates still live there, so info gets filtered back.

Just recently though, my former hometown has been all over the major newspapers and the TV too. Due to an election no less.

After the local Tory councillor, Mark Reckless, defected to UKIP, an election was called.

Now, I’ve met Mark Reckless. I’ve met a fair few of the councillors in the Medway towns down to my being an epic nerd a part of the first Youth Parliament in the town in my late teens. At that time, Labour was the choice of my local voters, even though the man they voted for was useless, and barely ever turned up to Westminster.

(How do I know this? Well, when I was in 6th form, we went to Westminster and the guide asked who our local MP was. On looking to see if he was in the House at the time, it turned out that actually, the Party Whips would be having a word with him as he hadn’t been there for months).

Just as with Reckless being part of the Conservatives, now, he has jumped to the newest most popular party for the gormless who see one party promise in the manifesto and jump on it.

The problem with Medway- and they are by no means alone in this in the country, no doubt Slough will be next as they are quite similar- the town doesn’t vote because they have the full picture of what their vote will mean for a certain party.


They read the Sun, or newspapers like it, who tell them who to vote for, going on one simple part of the parties big load of promises, and they dutifully go and do just that.

UKIP will win in Medway, just as it will in many other formerly prosperous towns. They will win down to the fact UKIP shout about how every person who has ever moved here in the last 30 years have killed your country. Whilst whispering how it will remove the NHS, maternity pay, and all but make the disabled who claim benefit wear an orange jumpsuit and brand their foreheads whilst asking everyone else to throw eggs at them for being “dirty scroungers”.

UKIP will win because the majority of chav stereotypes in their fake Burberry knock offs have now become so used to voting for people on TV, they use the same method of voting for there councillors, and I’m that  surprised they don’t just have Dermot O’Leary on Meridian, asking people to phone in who they want to see win instead of asking them to go to the voting booth.

Instead of Peter Dickinson saying “Its time to face the MUSIC!” they could change it to “Its time to face the VOTERS!”.

Yes, immigration is an issue. But its the fact that all the parties over years have been lax. If you lived in a war torn country, and you found out you could slip in unnoticed, you’d do it.

Leaving Europe is a given, unless it starts working for us, but UKIP are by far not the only party suggesting we leave.

Who would I rather vote for?

Ed Milliband. Whether or not folk see him as not very good looking, bumbling and uncharismatic, he actually talks a good manifesto which works for everyone, not just the rich.

I hate that it looks more and more like UKIP will triumph, and, its clear to many that UKIP and the Tories joining ranks will mean abject poverty for many average people in this country whilst the rich just get richer,

Its time we stopped looking at one part of a party, and actually became informed. Elsewise its the ConDems style all over again.

Can Blogging Ever Bring Happiness Or Are We Too Hard to Please?

Blogging, its a funny old hobby.

When I started in 2006, before twitter was even around, when MySpace ruled the internet, it was just a place to write and air your views, whatever these were.

It was very much like an old school diary but online where, if you chose, people could get a window into your life. Of course, you could lock other’s out and keep it private, but I never saw the point of that- surely it was just simpler to write it on Wordpad?

I used to enjoy blogging a lot, if there was something on my mind, or a problem or a thought I wanted to share, I switched on my net, got it down on the page and pressed post. I have, and still have had, lots of support at hard times and at good times too.

As with anything though, blogging has become something massive. As Emma Freud told us at her keynote at Britmums Live earlier on in the year, we are the “new media” and journo’s are keeping an eye on us.

We can break stories quicker than traditional print media can- that’s why most newspapers are now online too. My local newspapers are among a group owned by Trinity Mirror which are about to close their paper edition in favor of going digital instead.

The issue is, as time has gone on, blogging has ceased to be simply a case of writing down your thoughts and posting them. Now, there is (self imposed in most cases) pressure to get those stats up sky high, to enter and be nominated in a host of awards. To make every list. To get a higher Moz Rank and Domain Authority and to employ the services of designers to keep your blog looking fresh. In most cases, blogs have ceased to look like blogs. They look like ad filled sites akin to major retailers and magazines.

That’s no bad thing, but it certainly hits at the self esteem if you allow it.

And sadly, more and more, it doesn’t matter what you do, helping other bloggers, making links for other’s via Facebook Communities and the like, nothing can please anyone.

Family Panel is fast approaching it’s 5th birthday, and back at the start I used to offer guest post review slots if a product I was asked to try didn’t suit my family. I used to do this on twitter as a “first shout gets it” thing, which worked well. Until it got to the point in 2012 where I stopped as I was sick of the sulking that happened if someone got in too late. I got trolled so many times afterwards I just thought, well sod it. I didn’t need the grief!

It seems that, now, something as simple as posting, without being paid, review and ad opps can cause all out drama and grief for the poor soul who simply wants to help out others in between housework and jobs. And don’t even consider mentioning something fun, or your whole reason for breathing will be brought into question until you wonder why you bother.

As women- and yes, it is us girls responsible- we fail to stand with each other. We would rather bemoan everything that goes on, and question anyone who does better than you do.

There will always be the one’s everyone tags as being a bit of a cow, who further themselves by belittling everyone else publicly. But we do give them ammo when the very Facebook communities they slate and eyebrow raise and  which can run happily and encourage blog help and support, turn into viper nests of resentment, anger, and feelings of “why do I bother?” from the admins.

It can be so different. Yes, its competitive, but a sense of healthy and friendly competition is actually good and can spur you on to do better yourself or to learn from others you admire. Support, not negativity for the sake of it.

It feels we are in danger of losing sight of the fact we can help each other out, we can look like a slick, happy community. We are also in danger of losing touch with some of our best and most helpful members forever as they become sick of the bitching and back biting and infighting.

Its also worth remembering that a number of SEO’s and PRs are also bloggers and members of groups online too, so they see who is and isn’t playing fair and behaving nicely.

We have reached an interesting cross roads with traditional blogging, where you either keep your blog as it is and write, or link up with vlogging and others forms of expression as well. It is hard for us old timers enough without having to referee yet another pointless and unnecessary spat.

Blogging can make you happy. It can do so much to improve your day from the usual boring round of chores and nappies and loneliness in some cases.

But, if you do need to rant, do it over the right things, and think before you bitch.

Thinking of Donating? Here’s a Child Who Really Needs Your Pounds #RubyLaura

As many readers know, I’m from Kent originally, and do try and keep up with my original home and people in it who I’ve been to school with.

One of them is Anita.

Anita is pretty cool in that he rest of us lazy so and so’s don’t really need to keep the home fires burning as she pretty much still chats to everyone we all grew up with, and onwards to people in the outer reaches too.

Anita recently invited me to join a group which I want to share with you on a day which is fitting, being Children In Need this evening.

Ruby Laura is two, the daughter of a mate of Anita’s. She is a gorgeous little thing, loves dolls, loves dressing up, and is always ready with a smile.

Just after her birthday, Ruby Laura became unwell. Very unwell. She went off her food, she lost weight and, as a result, a large lump became obvious in her tummy.

After being rushed to hospital, Ruby Laura was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer- Neuroblastoma, at Stage 4. Worse, it had spread.

There is no Stage 5.

Her wonderful, amazing parent’s have decided to set up a fund, rather than sitting around wondering what to do next. They have linked up with the NCCA to try and raise £500,000.

They hope they can send Ruby Laura to the US, where there is more treatment available than our NHS can offer. They also want to help other children suffering with the illness.

In three weeks, these amazing people and their friends have raised £40,000 through cake sales, raffles and a Drum and Base night. But they desperately want to raise the full £500,000 and beyond.

You can find out more about Ruby Laura and her family on Facebook, you can also donate at or you can text RLYJ88 and your amount between £1-£10 to 70070.

Every little it helps 🙂

Is It Just Me: Thinking Calvin Klein is Just The Tip of the Iceberg?

Body Image.

We all have our own body image. Some of you may feel sexy, sassy, and not give a hoot about the slightest wobbly bit. Some may dread the very idea of communal changing rooms or bikinis. Most of you will have an opinion on your own body, and celeb bodies or even your mates.

However, Calvin Klein is the latest big name to incur the wrath of folks everywhere by announcing they have a “plus size” model in their latest campaign.

So, if you are yet to see this plus size woman, what size would imagine she is? A 16? A 14? Even a 20?

You’d be wrong.

Calvin Klein and his sexy pants thinks that plus size is- wait for it- a size 10.

Yes I will let you digest that (along with the biscuit I hope you are eating as you read this, I do love the idea of my readers and a packet of Hob Knobs).

Far and apart from anything else, the model called Myla is seriously gorgeous!

It would make me concerned that the fashion pack would look at my currently size 14 self and faint. Or call me “super size”. Or worse, Jumbo Size.

Of course, I would them smack them in the mouth.

Yes this “size 10 is suddenly flabby and not good enough for the likes of Vogue” is annoying to me as a 32 year old, slightly war wounded by childbirth self.

But the issue here is simple. Its not about someone like me who thinks its terrible, but doesn’t allow herself to eat a lettuce leaf until I reach size 0.

No, its about the vulnerable amongst us, from teens onwards, girls and boys, who will see this beautiful, perfectly in proportion girl and think, well, if she’s fat, I must be a beast. And then they go and stop eating, and as a result, stop being healthy.

Calvin Klein is far from the only one’s fat shaming by giving an idea of a figure which is neither achievable or healthy. Topshop recently provoked outrage with their anorexic dummies with legs the size of lolly sticks.

You also had bitchy journo’s remark on Kendall Jenner’s suitability as a catwalk model as she allegedly had cellulite and wasn’t a size 0. They fail to mention she is a confident, beautiful girl who gives a healthy view of body image to teens a similar age. No, her bottom was an actual bottom, she was not flat from neck to toe.

For goodness sake!

Lets have some positive reinforcement of normal, healthy folk.

Not just for days when people like me are having a shitty day and don’t fancy looking in the mirror, but for those who beat themselves up about every little calorie.

And Then The House Was Silent Once More

..And all the children went back to school.


Littlest has finally left the building, well between the usual school hours most kids his age would be out the house anyway.

Thank Goodness.

Seriously, before I get any mean trolls suggest I’m not very nice saying that about my son, I love him dearly, I do a lot for the child and I don’t begrudge it in anyway. I’m his Mum, and I always will do anything for him.

However, from the perspective of needing space from each other, and finding Home Ed a very hard slog to get used to, I am happy he is back at school were he should be.

From his point of view too, moving house was hard for him and Mini too, but for Mini, who straight away went into a school, and Brownies, and afterschool clubs, it was very difficult for Littlest to be stuck at home all day and hard for him to settle and make friends to replace the old ones.

I am glad I stuck to my guns and got him into the same school as his sister as I feel if we’d sent him to the not very good catchment school, he wouldn’t have been a priority for them to move.

He popped in and met his new class and teacher (who is a joy after the last one the kids had), and bless them, they were as excited to meet him as he was to meet them. They’d even made him a card to welcome him.

He has gone in today, a little nervous but mostly happy to be back at proper school.

The Home Ed cupboard has shut for business. I don’t advise anyone to not have a try at Home Ed, but it can be different depending on the child. It can also be hard to get them used to something when they are used to a school environment.

For us, it just didn’t suit.

Its very strange having no children in the house. I went off to the town centre earlier to search out school blue shirts (£20 from John Lewis for 4 as no supermarket has any left now- ouch) and kept thinking I’d left him behind.

It shall be lovely to get back to blogging and baking and I can finally sort out where everything needs to go in the new house too.

Happy at last. All as we should be.